All RLS POST requests which are not idempotent by default support an optional idempotency key, which is set in the header River-Idempotency-Key of the request. If a request contains a valid idempotency key, that key will be used to ensure that the request is idempotent. If a request is made with an idempotency key that has been used in the last 72 hours, the same object created by the first request will be returned.

Note that the responses may not be identical if the state of the object changed between the two idempotent requests. Idempotency keys expire and can be reused after 72 hours.

An idempotency key can be any string from 6-100 characters long that does not contain the following characters or whitespace: ;\|()'"

If a request is submitted with a previously used idempotency key where the original request failed, was for a different endpoint, or simply has not resolved yet, an error will be returned.

Note: NewWebhook requests are idempotent by default. Idempotency Keys are not supported for this endpoint.